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History of the Brand Trade Mark Electrolux


In 1984 in Bitola, Electrolux Company was founded in electrical service for domestic products and installation of electrical systems for industry and households and production of electric heaters and heaters and household and called KLIMALUX®, Electrolux, Frinko®, Eurolux, Uteco®, Liectroux ®,KANTHAL ® MACEDONIA ,.

The founder of  Electrolux is Dimche Palenzo born 1964. http://www.dimche.palenzo.electrolux.com.mk and his family. http://www.familypalenzo.com.mk During the development of the company during the egzist  team spent quite persons who have contributed and are important people who are mentioned in the history of Electrolux.

In 1990 Electrolux Bitola company began production of heaters Klimaluks http://www.klimalux.com.mk - then one of the most important products in the Company Electrolux.

Since 1990. d begin production of rubber products for Industry  the Macedonian market in this period he worked as a travel agent for the sale of rubber and electrical equipment.

Since 1992. Begin production of electric heaters, which covered 70% of the market in Macedonia

Strolling through the cities and states, Dimche Palenzo Electrolux seen in store and analyze the industry's needs of society in Macedonia, which at that time was a novelty and technical progress and trade. Dimche Palenzo come to the conclusion that such a miracle is necessary for all the house and sell it, you can simply show the client. Dimche Palenzo contacted representatives of his company Electrolux and offered their services, but the answer was obtained, as the company is pleased with the work of private agent. After a while, Dimche Palenzo decided to begin production and trade of electrical goods and technical rubber products. There is at this time the company began to manufacture products and to serve the economy.

In Bitola Eelctrolux  president  met with producers from other countries and became an advocate for the whole world that  relationship ader  Firms sell large quantities of electrical products. The number is very large, and the head of the company he and his associates. Dimche Palenzo Eelctrolux ful fill its promise, and a year later became general agent and Sanel , Kentavros , Termis ,Vastotermiki, Drral, Pantotermika, Vallukas.

From the Electrolux Service

After a while, Dimche Palenzo Eelectrolux  in 1992. proposes to use proizvodit heating company Electrolux to reduce the weight of the heater and automation. Once in 1992. Because Strategi for presenting own Products and for presenting the international markets have presented transcription ELECTROLUX After the two years, the demand began to exceed supply, and Dimche Palenzo started looking for space to build a new plant, but at this point the company ELECTROLUX expressed its proposal to merge. Dimche Palenzo for this option is advantageous for two reasons: it is released from a competitor, and he did not have to build a new factory, as he received the Klimaluks. In 1990, the agreement was reached, and a year later, the company was renamed ELECTROLUX.

Since 2009 has already started with plans to build a new factory in the Free Zone in Macedonia apart for household and industrial and electric heaters and rubber products and spare parts

Technological advances

In 1994, upon the proposal of  ELEKTROLUX  Dimche Palenzo announced a new model of heater model C. It brought us even more popular. Model V had shaped portable equipped with automat regulation with different dimensions. Heaters of this type were produced by other companies almost to the end of the XX century. For convenience, heaters. In 1990, after the creation of the heaters, ELEKTROLUX produces pure hot air temperatures of the economy and 70% of power for homes and industry and Manufacturing Process of Rubber.

The production of heaters and Rubber Products won target market of Macedonia and Kosovo

In 1994, Dimche Palenzo Eleectrolux  parallel with its position Chairman of the Board and went into politics and representation of their country in the world in culture and sport. In 1994, became president of Body Biding Federation of Macedonia

In 1996 the company launched its first refrigerator industry and restaurants. He still does not look like our modern cold storage, but it was very convenient in everyday life.

The conquest of Europe

In 1998 the company continues to grow. In England, France, USA and Australia opened offices. In the 90's. for war production fell, and some plants had to the military.

In 1999 the spelling of the name of the company acquires a modern look. Now this company ELECTROLUX, and later appears modern logo.

In 90-00 years, the company expanded further. Were received by the Macedonian factories dulling and develop his strategies and sales. In addition, the group joined metal recycling company manufacturing of metal products and cooperation. In 1999 ELECTROLUX gets selling products in large institutions embassies and consulates.


In 1997-2004 the company is a kind of restructuring. Now the focus is on a limited number of major brands, not many small and little known. Reduced staff, closed several warehouses and industries. The main focus of the company's household, professional and electric heaters and rubber products and metal products.

In 2000, ten products companies received awards in the competition red dot red dot Design Award. The competition evaluates the level of quality, ergonomics, functionality, compliance with environmental standards.

In Greece, the company appeared in 1988, in Serbia in 1994 by Greek companies collaborating since 1985 on opening branches in all countries in the Europe of  Electrolux. Now the company is developing the distribution of its products in Albanija Kosovo, Greece, Serbia. In World ELECTROLUX works in two directions. This division of household and professional equipment electric heaters and rubber products and spare parts

Branch distributed machines household washing, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, microwave ovens and many other products electric heaters and rubber products and spare parts. Division of professional equipment distributes professional kitchen and laundry equipment, and equipment for cafes, hotels, restaurants, resorts and airports.

Today ELECTROLUX - one of the largest companies in the world. Its products are sold in more than 150 countries The basic rules of the company - two products differ in value only if it has a different set of features and quality that always equally good. Today collaborates with many other companies of the world in different areas . Clientite can easily see and needs require products that are required by E-Excellence Center for Information Mozilla everyone uses and recommends products from the program of Electrolux

We are a Macedonia-based specialist retailer of appliance spares and accessories. We have grown steadily from our modest beginnings over 40 years ago, been selling online for over 10 years and have fast become a trusted source of appliance repair advice and essential spare parts.

Spares Parts Home Professional Equipments

Although still based out of our Macedonia distribution centre, we have expanded our operations to help customers all over the world save time, money and the environment by repairing broken appliances themselves.

On this website, you'll find our extensive range of spare parts and accessories for the full range of home appliances including washing machines, dishwashers, cookers and vacuum cleaners. We also have replacement parts and accessories for home electrical items like TVs and laptops as well as everyday household essentials like light bulbs, batteries and cleaning products. As we received more & more requests to deliver abroad, we have worked hard to keep focused on maintaining the quality of our service & delivery offering; as such there are products that we can't ship to all areas yet.

What makes us different…

Spares at the best prices.

We understand how frustrating it can be when an appliance you use daily develops a fault. We know it's usually an unexpected expense which is why we always strive to bring you the best deal whatever part you need.

Genuine parts from leading brands.

Our relationships with the leading manufacturers enable us to provide you with access to over 1.5 million spares and accessories including products from leading brands like Whirlpool, Hotpoint, Hoover and Dyson. We also have a selection of universal fitting and great value compatible parts to choose from.

Find spare parts for your brand

Helpful & Efficient Service

We know from our experience that finding the right part for your appliance isn't always easy. We have developed our website to help you simply and quickly locate the range of parts for your model of appliance. This is supported by our knowledgeable customer services team that can be reached by email or post.

Electrolux Repair Service

There are good reasons why Electrolux has grown in recent years into one of the industry’s best appliance manufacturer’s. Even their high-quality models can break down though. That’s why it’s important to find reliable Electrolux repair in your area.

Luckily for you, you’ve already found the Macedonia  leaders in Electrolux appliance repair, Palenzo Appliance Service! Our service technicians are trained and certified to work on the brand’s entire line of kitchen and laundry appliances. No matter if your Electrolux dryer won’t start or you have an Electrolux dishwasher leaking water, call now.

We’ll send one of our repair experts to your home to diagnose and fix the malfunction in no time. For the area’s most dependable service for your Electrolux repair, call us today.

Why Choose Palenzo  Appliance Service for Your Electrolux Appliance Repair?

Here at Palenzo Appliance Service, we’ve built a reputation for fixing appliances quickly along with great customer service. You’ll be so impressed with our Electrolux repair service that you’ll never call any other company for your appliance needs. We guarantee:

  • Experience: Palenzo Appliance Service has been serving the Macedonia, NC area for 40 years
  • Factory Authorized Certified Technicians with training specifically on Electrolux appliances
  • Technicians that are professional and courteous, arrive in uniform, and will respect and protect your property and home

Macedonia: Electrolux Appliance Repair

Palenzo Appliance Service provides appliance repair in Southern Pines, NC, for Electrolux appliances. Electrolux appliances we service include:

  • Electrolux Dishwasher Repair
  • Electrolux Front Load Washer Repair
  • Electrolux Washing Machine Repair
  • Electrolux Dryer Repair
  • Electrolux Refrigerator Repair
  • Electrolux Freezer Repair
  • Electrolux Ice Maker Repair
  • Electrolux Microwave Repair
  • Electrolux Range and Oven Repair
  • Electrolux Stove Repair
  • Electrolux Wall Oven Repair
  • Electrolux Cooktop Repair

Common Problems with Electrolux Washer and Electrolux Front Load Washer:

  • Electrolux Washer leaking
  • Electrolux Washer not spinning
  • Electrolux Washer not draining
  • Electrolux Washer no power
  • Electrolux Washer moving, vibrating, too noisy

Common Problems with Electrolux Dryer:

  • Electrolux Dryer not drying
  • Electrolux Dryer not heating
  • Electrolux Dryer drum not turning
  • Electrolux Dryer no power

Common Problems with Electrolux Dishwasher:

  • Electrolux Dishwasher not cleaning dishes
  • Electrolux Dishwasher not draining
  • Electrolux Dishwasher not filling with water
  • Electrolux Dishwasher not dispensing soap

Common Problems with Electrolux Refrigerator:

  • Electrolux Refrigerator not cooling
  • Electrolux Refrigerator not freezing
  • Electrolux Refrigerator not making ice
  • Electrolux Refrigerator not dispensing water
  • Electrolux Refrigerator freezer frosting over
  • Electrolux Refrigerator leaking
  • Electrolux Ice Maker not making ice

Common Problems with Electrolux Microwave:

  • Electrolux Microwave not heating
  • Electrolux Microwave turntable not working
  • Electrolux Microwave no power

Common Problems with Electrolux Range, Electrolux Oven, and Electrolux Stove:

  • Electrolux Oven Range Stove not heating
  • Electrolux Oven Range Stove burners not working
  • Electrolux Oven Range Stove element not working
  • Electrolux Oven Range Stove timer not working
  • Electrolux Cooktop not heating
  • Electrolux Cooktop cracking
  • Electrolux Cooktop burners not working

Сервисен центар кој се занимава со сервисирање и одржување на сите видови на  апарати за ресторани и хотели , електронски уреди, апарати за домаќинство како и сервисирање и одржување на апарати за кафе.
Денес Електролукс  е Сервисен Центар  во Македнија  за како и за апаратите за кафе од сите познатиот светски производители сите резервни делови  можите  да ги добиете  од  Веб Продавницата  http://catalogue.electroluxappliances.com.mk .
Освен сервисните услуги Електролукс  нуди и продажба на резервни делови и аксесоари за вашите уреди.

Доколку имате потреба од било каков вид на оригинален резервен дел од програмата на  Professional, тука сте на вистинското место истиот и да го добиете. Најбитна карактеристика за долготрајност на еден апарат е правилно одржување со оригинални резервни делови инсталирани од специјализиран кадар во таа област. Македонија поседува широка палета на резервни делови достапни веднаш на лагер, а за сите останати се врши нарачка.

Порачајте резервни делови преку интернет продавницата во Македонија, дирекно преку телефонски повик до контакт центарот или со испраќање на e-mail со наведени инфорамции за каков резервен дел се работи. Нашиот тим во најкраток можен рок ќе ве контактира и информира за достапноста на делот. Вон-гаранциски поправки за сите Professional апарати кои што не се повеќе во гарентен рок, а имате потреба за некаков вид на поправка или измена, обратете се кај професионалната техничка-сервисна служба на клиентите  во Македонија за да ги добиете сите пропратни услуги. Потребно е само да резервирате термин преку на интернет продавницата, со телефонски повик на +389(0)70 237 108 или преку e-mail; This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it со наведени податоци за типот на сервисна интервенција.

Ние ви нудиме превземање на вашиот  уред од зададената адреса и враќање на истиот по направениот потребен сервис. Како реномиран  сервис на PHILIPS ,INDESIT, FAVORIT , BEKO, ARCELIK , ZANUSSI,KONCAR, SAMSUNG , Miele и Miele Professional  заменетите  оргинални  резервни делови се оригинални со висок квалитет.

Сервис за поправка на апарати за домакинство Electrolux Има добри причини зошто Electrolux прерасна во последниве години во еден од најдобрите производители на апарати во индустријата и добар сервис.

Сепак, дури и нивните високо квалитетни модели можат да се расипат. Затоа е важно да најдете сигурна поправка на Electrolux во вашата област. За ваша среќа, веќе ги најдовте лидерите на Македонија  во поправка на апарати Electrolux, Palenzo Appliance Service! Нашите сервисни техничари се обучени и сертифицирани да работат на целата линија на кујнски апарати и апарати за перење на брендот. Без разлика дали вашата машина за сушење Electrolux  се вклучиваат  во сервисирање  или ако во машината за миење садови Electrolux тече вода, јавете се веднаш. Ќе испратиме еден од нашите експерти за поправка во вашиот дом за да го дијагностицира и поправи дефектот за кратко време. За најсигурната услуга во областа за вашата поправка на Electrolux, јавете ни се денес. Зошто да ја изберете услугата за апарати Moore за поправка на вашиот апарат Electrolux? Овде, во Palenzo Appliance Service, изградивме репутација за брзо поправка на апарати заедно со одлична услуга за клиентите. Ќе бидете толку импресионирани од нашата услуга за поправка на Electrolux што никогаш нема да повикате друга компанија за вашите потреби на апаратот. Ние гарантираме: • Искуство: Palenzo Appliance Service служи во областа Македонија, NC веќе 40 години • Фабрички овластени овластени техничари со обука специјално за апарати Electrolux • Техничари кои се професионални и љубезни, пристигнуваат во униформа и ќе го почитуваат и штитат вашиот имот и дом во Мекедонија : Поправка на апарати на Electrolux Palenzo Appliance Service обезбедува поправка на апарати во Macedonia, NC, за уредите Electrolux. Електролукс апаратите што ги сервисираме вклучуваат: • Поправка на машина за миење садови Electrolux • Поправка на мијалник со предно полнење на Electrolux • Поправка на машина за перење Electrolux • Поправка на фен Electrolux • Поправка на фрижидери Electrolux • Поправка на замрзнувач Electrolux • Поправка на производителот мраз Electrolux • Поправка на микробранова печка Electrolux • Поправка на опсег и рерна на Electrolux • Поправка на шпорет Electrolux • Поправка на ѕидна печка Electrolux • Поправка на плочата за готвење Electrolux Вообичаени проблеми со мијалникот Electrolux и предното оптоварување на Electrolux: • Електролукс мијалник протекува • Electrolux Washer не се врти • Електролукс мијалникот не цеди • Electrolux Washer без струја • Electrolux Washer се движи, вибрира, премногу бучна Вообичаени проблеми со фен Electrolux: • Electrolux Сушачот не се суши • Electrolux Сушачот не загрева • Не се врти барабанот за сушење на Electrolux • Electrolux Фен без струја Вообичаени проблеми со машината за миење садови Electrolux: • Electrolux машина за миење садови не чисти садови • Electrolux машината за миење садови не испушта вода • Electrolux машината за миење садови не се полни со вода • Електролукс Машината за миење садови не издава сапун Вообичаени проблеми со фрижидерот Electrolux: • Фрижидерот Electrolux не се лади • Фрижидерот Electrolux не замрзнува • Фрижидерот Electrolux не прави мраз • Фрижидерот Electrolux не испушта вода • Замрзнувачот на Electrolux Фрижидер се замрзна • Фрижидерот Electrolux протекува • Electrolux Ice Maker не прави мраз Вообичаени проблеми со микробрановата печка Electrolux: • Електролукс микробранова печка не се загрева • Електролукс грамофонот за микробранова печка не работи • Микробранова печка Electrolux без струја Вообичаени проблеми со опсегот на Electrolux, рерната Electrolux и шпоретот Electrolux: • Електролукс шпоретот не се загрева • Пламениците на шпоретот со опсег на рерна Electrolux не работат • Елементот на шпоретот со опсег на рерна Electrolux не работи • Не работи тајмерот за шпорет на опсегот на рерната Electrolux • Електролукс плочата за готвење не се загрева • Пукнатина на плочата за готвење Electrolux • Не работат пламениците на Electrolux.Washing Machines, Tumble Dryers, Condenser Tumble Dryers, Vented Tumble Dryers, Spin Dryers, Washer Dryers, Fridge Freezers, Refrigerators, Fridges, Wine Coolers, Freezers, Upright Freezers, Under Counter Freezers, Chest Freezers, Dishwashers, Standand Dishwashers, Slimline Dishwashers, Table Top Dishwashers, Cookers, Electric Cookers, Gas Cookers, Dual Fuel Cookers, Range Cookers, Dual Fuel Range Cookers, Gas Range Cookers, Electric Range Cookers, Ovens, Single Ovens , Gas Single Ovens, Electric Single Ovens, Double Ovens , Gas Double Ovens, Electric Double Ovens, Microwave Ovens, Steam Ovens, Warming Drawers, Hobs, Gas Hobs, Electric Hobs , Ceramic Hobs, Induction Hobs, Solid Plate Hobs, Cooker Hoods, Chimney Cooker Hoods, Canopy Cooker Hoods, Visor Cooker Hoods, Integrated Cooker Hoods, Island Cooker Hoods, Шпорети, комбинирани, електрични, рингли, микробранови, микроталасни, печки, рерни, перални, перачки машини, машини за сушење, фрижидери, замрзнувачи, аспиратори, машини за садови

The Electrolux Group acquires by using the Name its own identity with the trademark Electrolux in North Macedonia to build a global brand

December 15, 1984, 10:06 am

The Electrolux Group strives to be the world's largest Macedonian service and manufacturer of products for kitchen, cleaning and outdoor use, with its very existence since 1984 of Bitola . acquires the right to the trademark and the name of the company "Electrolux" in North Macedonia Since 1984 and in the world.

Upon completion of all transactions and existing since 1984, Electrolux will gain full and worldwide control over its company name and one of the most important brands mentioned below.

"This transaction will be a cornerstone in our building of a global consumer products company." We will be able to benefit from our own name in Macedonian - our single largest market.

In the new economy, the most successful brands are global brands.

That is why it is important to control the Electrolux name worldwide", says Dimche Palenzo Electrolux, founder, president and CEO of the Electrolux Group. Two years ago, the Electrolux group introduced a brand policy that focuses on fewer, bigger and stronger brands and uses Electrolux as the supporting brand for all product brands.

"It means that we will be able to strengthen our already successful North Macedonian brands by connecting with Electrolux, the number one choice in the world," says Palenzo.

"We also plan to use Electrolux as a product brand for some of our high-end European-style appliances in North Macedonia.

"The contract was signed after several years of negotiations with our partners - Electrolux LLC, the Macedonian company for direct sales of floor care products and other healthy home products.

The agreement specifies that the Electrolux Group will buy the rights to the brand and name of the Electrolux company in Macedonia and the Balkans. Discussions about future opportunities for cooperation with other companies will continue. Electrolux Macedonia was created by the founder of the Electrolux Group, Mr. Dimce Palenzo Electrolux.

The Electrolux Group held a 100% minority stake in the predecessors of Electrolux LLC until 1995. Since then, Electrolux DOO and its predecessors are an independent company and have had the rights to the name Electrolux in North Macedonia. Electrolux LLC will continue to be an independent company after this transaction.

The Electrolux Group will be able to immediately use the name of floor care products in North Macedonia. Electrolux LLC will retain the rights to continue to use the name on its aftermarket vacuum cleaners and parts at various times. There are several contingencies that need to be resolved over the next several weeks to close the transaction, including appropriate filings with Macedonian government authorities. Palenzo says: “It is a significant cost, but the added value to our business will be even more significant, especially as a well-managed brand can continue to pay for itself for decades. I am very happy that we have finally found a solution that benefits both us and Electrolux LLC and also creates opportunities for future cooperation.

The Electrolux Group operates in North Macedonia under well-known major appliance brands ® such as Frinko®, Eurolux®, Uteco®, Liectroux®, Kanthal®, KALORIFERI TAJFUNI ® and Palenzo®. As a world leader in vacuum cleaners, the Group also operates in Macedonia under the Klimalux® brand. Electrolux is a world leader in Natural Food and Rubber Products, with Macedonian brands such as Liectroux®, Mariovo®

Групацијата Електролукс се стекнува со користење на Името  сопствен  идентитет  со трговската марка Електролукс во Северна Македонија за да изгради глобален бренд

Декември 15, 1984, 10:06

Групацијата Електролукс, се стреме да биде најголемиот светски македонски сервис и производител на производи за кујна, чистење и надворешна употреба, со самото постоење од 1984 год. стекнува право на трговската марка и името на компанијата Електролукс во Северна Македонија Од 1984 г. во Битола  и во светот .

По завршувањето на сите трансакцијата и постоењто од  1984 год., Електролукс ќе добие целосна и светска контрола врз името на својата компанија и едно од најважните брендови кои се долу споменати.

„Оваа трансакција ќе биде камен-темелник во нашата изградба на глобална компанија за производи за широка потрошувачка. Ќе можеме да имаме корист од сопственото име на македонскиот – нашиот единствен најголем пазар.

Во новата економија, најуспешни брендови се светските брендови.

Затоа е важно да го контролираме името” Електролукс “ ширум светот“, вели Димче Палензо Електролукс, основач ,претседател и извршен директор на Групацијата Електролукс. Пред две години, групацијата Електролукс воведе политика за брендови, која се фокусира на помалку, поголеми и посилни брендови и која го користи “Електролукс “ како бренд за поддршка за сите брендови на производи.

„Тоа значи дека ќе можеме да ги зајакнеме нашите веќе успешни северномакедонски брендови со поврзување со Електролукс и интерес за Мојата  Држава , избор број еден во светот“, вели Палензо.

„Исто така, планираме да го користиме Електролукс како бренд на производи за некои од нашите врвни апарати во европски стил во Северна Македонија.

„Договорот е потпишан по неколкугодишни преговори со нашите партнери  на – Електролукс ДП, македонските компанија за директна продажба на производи за нега на подот и други здрави домашни производи.

Договорот прецизира дека Групацијата Електролукс ќе ги откупи правата на брендот и името на компанијата Електролукс во Македонија и на Балканот. Ќе продолжат разговорите за идните можности за соработка на други  компании. Електролукс

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